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Camp Hallelujah finally takes place - a dream come true


Due to the ongoing COVID pandemic, our in-person activities like many others’ were mostly transferred to online platforms. Our yearly summer camps take place around the world yet in 2020, several alternatives were proposed in order to continue HaBonim Dror Olami’s camps.

with dozens of participants from several countries. The camp spanned over 5 days in Haifa, Israel. The camp’s emphasis was on giving a platform for youth from Jewish communities from around the world to meet and share their points of view. In HaBonim Dror Olami’s Hallelujah camp, there was a focus on cultural and relevant topics: leadership, sustainability, and ecology, and pluralism. All of the aforementioned activities occurred while respecting the restrictive health guidelines set by the Corona Virus pandemic.

Over the five day camp, many activities with the relevant and cultural topics took place - with the ultimate goal of creating an open and honest platform for discussions and forming a high-quality bond between the movements’ various alumni both from Israel and from numerous countries around the world.

We hope these camps and discussions will continue in the future as a continuation of the meaningful conversations and connections that were made. These crucially important discussions about relevant topics have an invaluable place in furthering the communications and relations between the Hallelujah participants.

We at HaBonim Dror Olami are positive that this camp is one of many to come and it will continue to strengthen the bonds between our “Kenim” (nests), alumni and the several Jewish communities we represent across the world.

May many more of these camps take place in the future!


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Apr 12, 2021

Where is it taking place this year? How do we sign up? For y grandson aged 14 living in Israel.

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