Meeting people from around the world was one of the most incredible gifts of shnat with HaBonim Dror Olami. Being able to challenge my thinking and ideologies with people from different youth movements. This is where machon le madrichim (training course
for counselors) changed my perspective. It intellectually stimulated me in a way I have never experienced before. It inspired all chanichot (participants), from the most book smart chanich to the chanich with ADHD like me.
From a personal example sitting in a 2 hour sicha (conversation) with people where their ideology is the complete opposite to ours was special and thought provoking. Creating this moratorium, a space for discussion and reflection was important for us as individuals and as future madrichot (counselors). Having the opportunity to have shared a shnat year with Habonim Dror Southern Africa as a part of HaBonim Dror Olami was a pivotal part of my shnat experience. Not only did I make friendships for a lifetime. But it was interesting to hear about other countries' HaBonim history especially in the “History of Habonim Dror Hagshama seminar”.
Finally Habonim Dror Olami always had a plan B , C , D for any situation, coronavirus and others, which calmed us down a lot. Not only us but our parents too. Like Hertzl once said: "If you will it, it is no dream; and if you do not will it, a dream it is and a dream it will stay." And Shnat is a dream that came true for us all. Thank you Habonim Dror Olami
- Maayan Ashkar Melbourne Australia